SASG Offset Fountain Chilling And Circulating Unit Price And Quantity
200000 INR/Unit
1 Unit
SASG Offset Fountain Chilling And Circulating Unit Trade Information
1 Unit Per Month
1 Months
Product Description
SAGS Offset Fountain Chilling and Circulating Unit removes heat based on the principle that heat will move from a hotter source to a colder source, from the process to a conditioned fluid. This comprise two main parts called circuits, a refrigeration and a fluid circuit. The two circuits work in concert to transfer heat away from the process and maintain a reasonably constant process temperature. SAGS Offset Fountain Chilling and Circulating Unit is considered plumbing fixtures and are directly connected to plumbing potable water and drainage systems. Water to the unit is supplied either from a remote, central chilled water unit or ambient temperature water from the potable cold-water system. This plant is very effective and economical both.